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The article “Maize genetic diversity identifies moisture-dependent root-branch signaling pathways” published on BioRxiv by the Hydrosensing team.

This article investigates hydropatterning, the process by which plant root tips sense soil moisture gradients and pattern new branches toward water, focusing on its genetic basis in maize; it reveals significant differences between tropical and temperate varieties, highlights the roles of auxin and ethylene hormones in regulating root branching, and underscores the agricultural importance of this adaptive behavior.

Full reference: Scharwies, J. D., Clarke, T., Zheng, Z., Dinneny, A., Birkeland, S., Veltman, M. A., … & Dinneny, J. R. (2024). Maize genetic diversity identifies moisture-dependent root-branch signaling pathways. bioRxiv, 2024-08.

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